Wednesday, May 26, 2010
I promise to...
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Quick! get me a calendar...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Introduction Into Psychology
Tonight I posted my introduction on my Psychology 1101 discussion thread. We had to tell a little about ourselves, what our major is, some of our interests and what chapters of our textbook we found would be most interesting relating to our field of study. Can I tell you how awesome it was to write that my major is in Nursing? It gave me a sense of knowing, knowing that I have chosen an actually meaningful and hopefully fulfilling career. Tonight I intend to complete the readings on 2 of the chapters of required reading that's due by the 26th. I have already finished reading chapter 1 of my Sociology book which is due for discussion by the 26th as well. There's tons of reading and I always feel like I am a little behind (which I am not) but I get the feeling everytime I log into class I have missed something. I am trying not to put too much pressure on myself with getting all A's. I do however feel that if I don't I won't be a competitive candidate getting into the Nursing program. That worries the heck out of me, which in turn puts pressure on... Me and hubby made a bet (with tons of coercing from me) that if I get straight A's in all 5 of my classes during Summer semester I can get my Livescribe Pulse Smartpen for note taking. So yeah! for that, but booo for even more pressure. Anywhooo, have a peek at my slightly edited (for privacy purposes) Intro Into Psychology.
Due: May, 26th 2010
My Intro: Psychology
Hi Everyone! I'm ********, originally from *** now residing in ***,**. I've been here for * years and I absolutely love it. I have 3 children, 2 daughters (ages 8 and 1) and a son (age 2) and am happily married to my great & supportive husband who happens to also be a student at ***. I'm a full time Executive Assistant for a Regional Planning agency in ******* and have called it my "second home" for 5 years. I love what I do but don't feel fulfilled in calling it a career. I'm seeking a degree in Nursing not only because I know in my heart that it will be rewarding giving care to others but for the simple fact that it is "never ending". There is always someone to help, someone who will need a shoulder to cry, someone who could possibly be touched by my drive to care and someone who may only need to hear the words "it will be ok". Call me crazy but I also love the smell of hospitals. It smells so sterile, fresh and disinfected (although that could be far from the truth) but I absolutely love it (OCD?). I look forward to the next adventure life has to share. Online learning is fairly new to me, somewhat more complex but exciting (if only for now) but I am sure the experience will be amazing if I program my mind to it. It's all about how you look at the journey as to whether or not it will be enjoyable or crappy regardless of the ultimate goal. My journey for now: work hard & study hard for all A's which could be really crappy if I put too much pressure on myself, but it could be made enjoyable if I do the best that I can and give it my all. Either way I'll be proud of myself that I took this first step.
When it comes to the chapters of the book I would be most interested in, I would have to say that of course going into the field of Nursing all of the ordered chapters are indeed relevant and will be necessary. Chapter 1: Thinking Critically - definitely an interest, considering most patients would want a nurse that can think on her/his toes including outside of the box. Chapter 3: Nature, Nuture & Diversity - another major interest knowing that patients come in an array of colors, shape size, etc. No two patients will ever be the same. For my future this entire class will be highly utilized when entering into the field of Healthcare.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Am I Bipolar?
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
M.I.A! But now I'm back...
In about a week or so, I plan to get my laptop my hubby promised me and I know it will be so much easier to blog in bed verses at the desk that is in my daughter's room, or on the blackberry or even the dang IPOD Touch. The screens are just terribly too small. Anywhooo, I went to visit the CNA school that was dang near in the next state.. lol I was supposed to start last Saturday, but couldn't get all of the documents in on time (criminal history, PPD was complete, lab work etc.) So now there are two schools that offer the weekend program, both of which are waiting for a minimum of six people in order to start a June 26th class. Once again I WAIT!. I'm ready, they are not. Such a headache. I logged into my classes that are online, tons of assignments already to complete, exams on June 1st. (I'll post schedule of coursework *online and campus* sometime this week). I feel as though I am already behind in my reading, I have been trying to read everywhere that I can and that is only for 2 of my classes (I have 5). So much catching up to do, ALREADY... I purchased all of my notebooks, my organizer, pens, pencils, highlighters and these really cute new post-it notes, that are removable and rewritable with tabs. Hopefully I can get completely organized and stay that way... Any suggestions? Study tips, organization keys? Offers of mental stability advice??? Glad to be back!
Monday, May 10, 2010
I Got Nothing...
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day! Birthday Parties & All that Jazz...

A couple of weeks ago we celebrated our son's 2 year bd with a little house party, and I promised to post some pictures of my "mini" SpongeBob bd decor. Here's what I have to share... Enjoy!
***School Update***
Completed my PPD screening today (for CNA program), go back in 48-72 hours to make sure I haven't been exposed to Tuberculosis!!!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Good News, Bad News Bears and Fortune Cookies...
I hate when I miss a day of blogging. I feel empty inside, like I have missed out on something. Ever get the feeling? I have felt so down the last couple of days, no matter how hard I have tried to be positive. I am a positive person and my hubby is even more positiver (is that a word?) than I am. He's the type that still believes in Santa (for the kids of course). But he is so good about that, the pieces will just always fall into place. I want that kind of karma. I told you about the blocking of Blogger at work, well guess what? It is just me! A couple of others but mainly me (I guess) and it is easier for me to believe that it is just me in order for me to feel pathetic right now.. lol AND! It's up to the manager to request it! Now if you know the relationship we have you would really question why... But I won't. This was my push to keep my focus, to not lose ground and become content within my job; as I have. Now don't get me wrong I really like my job, but I want to love my Career. So I won't worry. Maybe it will all blow over, maybe it won't; but quite honestly my heart hurts too much to care.
We ate Chinese food Wednesday night. With Chinese food we always get the yummy fortune cookies but they most certainly don't last long enough for us to actually take a look at the fortunes inside. This time they did and we read every last one. I remember a while back I read a fortune, one of which I still have today; it said "You will make a name for yourself in the field of Medicine" that blew me away. I opened that fortune around the same time I finally made the decision to actually go to Nursing school. Wow... The first fortune I read said "You will get a surprise promotion" The second fortune that was read (my hubby) said "An unexpected event will soon bring you fortune". Now I don't know about the promotion (quite frankly that one seems like the total opposite is about to happen.. lol)but the second one, I do believe. It may not be money, but I will soon have a wealth of knowledge in the field I so desperately want to succeed in. Those words I will carry with me...
My financial aid has finally posted!!! Phew! Thank goodness, because I really needed some good news today. I think that was the best news I have heard all week, maybe this is a sign that the weekend will get better.
And the greatest news of all??? I may actually be starting the CNA weekend program next Saturday!! It will last for 11 weeks (May 15 - August 15) no Sundays. Now I have to make the final decision after looking over all of the details with my hubby. Get my PPD screening, pick up my criminal history, take my drug screening and register with all of my documents and a payment of $200.00. (Payments are made through time of exam)total of $695.00 not including scrubs. Scrubs color for clinicals is Georgia Bulldog Red! Not my most flattering color but okay. For class, it is your choice. I know it sounds like a mouthful to swallow, but after all of that bad news.. What choice do I have? I think this is the best decision making I have done in a long time. To think all I needed was a little internet push to try to crush my dreams before I really got the revelation... lol
We'll have to pick up on another date for the convo on the Nursing Honor Society. I am beat!!!! Hope everyone had a fabulous week!!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Utter Disgust
So here's something I will be writing about tomorrow:
The Honor Society of Nursing / Sigma Theta Tau International
Any thoughts on it?
Pssss... Pray for my hubby, he has been studying really really hard to pass his pre-calculus final which is this evening. I'd really appreciate it sweet friends!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Pin Cushions
My hubby seems to be mad at me, not sure why. He says he isn't and that he is just trying to focus on studying (which I am sure he is, since his final is tomorrow) but have you ever gotten the one word answers or short phone calls, or the greeting of yep instead of the usual hey boo...? Got all of those today. I hate when it's like that, I just want to snuggle with him all the time, and the same goes for him. I miss him when we are at work apart... Why do couples have to have bad moments?
I put in a partial order for my textbooks last night. Partial only because, the rest were unavailable or the professor hasn't put them out there. Here is the exact invoice:
Loeb / Soul Of A Citizen LOEB, MPS, PAPERBACK, 99 ISBN 0-312-20435-3 $16.95 1 $16.95
Angel / My Math Lab Web Ct Code ANGEL, PEARSON HIGHER EDUCATION ISBN 0-321-50734-7 $72.50 1 $72.50
Braden / Foundations Of Academic Inquiry Package ( BRADEN, PEARSON HIGHER EDUCATION, PACKAGE, 1, 10 ISBN 0-558-17499-X $55.50 1 $55.50
Angel / Elementary Algebra For Coll Studnts Pkg Ks ANGEL, PEARSON HIGHER EDUCATION, 1 ISBN 978-0-558-35844-0 $113.65 1 $113.65
Axelrod / St Martins Guide To Writing (w/ Mla Upda AXELROD, MPS, HARDBACK, 8, 09 ISBN 0-312-60354-1 $80.00 1 $80.00
Purchase Subtotal $338.60
Shipping $4.95
Tax $20.32
Purchase Total $363.87
I went online today to check my book order status, because I am just so excited about everything... You'll never guess what is said, with my luck it kind of comes with the territory...
Order Detail
Order Number 124588
Order Date 5/3/2010
LOL!! Can you flipping believe it!? They cancelled my order, why? Because my financial aid still has NOT posted to my account. Everytime I call, I get the same response: Summer is being put in manually, your account just hasn't been awarded yet, no you aren't missing any documents. Ahhh! Do you understand they cancelled my book order because it takes you people a year and a day to press a button?!
I really want to cry, my hubby is mad at me and I can't even get my books. When it rains it pours and floods with pin cushions for life boats...
Monday, May 3, 2010
This Day Ain't Great Either!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Bait and Switch

I got my classes I wanted but I felt sick for the rest of the day. I wanted to cry, why does this happen? I am so close, yet so far. Why me? These are all the thoughts running through my head as I walk back across the campus green to the parking garage. I happen to notice, one of the girls who was apart of my orientation group is crying on her cell phone. She must feel the same way I do. Well she actually had it worse, come to find out, if you did horribly on the math portion of the Compass exam, you have more of a selection of your pre reqs and general core to choose from, on the other hand if you did horribly on the reading and writing, well screw you basically. The selection may be like 3 or 4. Guess which she failed? I felt like crap, so many emotions. I just wanted to get home, hoping I could get the 3 other classes my hubby was holding for me.
10:15 p.m. and we are down in front of the computer, will it work? Will there be someone out there waiting to get classes that are closed? Please oh please! Class 1 - we'll let go of Philosophy since I am already at 12 credit hours. I prefer to get my pre reqs done. Does it work? YES! Hooray! (I'll take that class at a later date) Class 2 - Psychology - Oh I really, really need this one... YES! Hooray!! Class 3 - Sociology, YES! Hooray again!! Thank Goodness, something worked out...
Now lets see if we can find you a weekend CNA course shall we? Forget the paperwork you have already completed with the local CNA program director. No money was exchanged yet, so this will be a cool breeze. ONE! Only one, you have got to be kidding me?? I am too late to register, has to be done 2 weeks prior to the beginning of class? Class starts in 2 weeks, lol of course it does!! AHHH! Ok, ok that's cool. I'll wait, call on Monday? Cool! Where are you located? - AHHH! All the way over there? Fine, that's reasonable.
In a sense it all worked out and yes I did get to choose my major, but the hoops that had to be jumped in order to get there. I guess anything worth having is worth fighting for.. right?
My schedule:
Tues and Thurs
English 1101 / 5:00 - 7:45 P.M.
Elem Algebra 0097 / 8:00 - 10:45 P.M.
Freshman Seminar
Political Science
Saturday and Sunday (beginning date - TBA)
CNA Course