Wednesday, August 3, 2011


In order to optimize your viewing pleasure, I have decided to "redecorate" Mom, Wife, Student, Nurse, Ahhh! before the Fall semester roars in like a lion. Be patient while I get creative!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Okay, so I'll combine them all!

With all the great ideas I am getting, I am thinking I may combine them all and make a power list for us all... With of course the okay from my buddies that are giving me all the great tips. Speaking of, Heather over at has some great advice, check her out I am sure you will find it helpful as I have!

Loving the Organization Ideas!

Please keep them coming!

Thanks Heather and Marianne!

Monday, August 1, 2011


Help! With organizational skills for school. Care to share??

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